Leicestershire Speakers

 From Ancient Chinato Malta and the Black Forest!
Morag Wilkes opened our meeting with a reading, this was something of a ‘swan song’ as Morag and her husband prepare to move to live in France. We will miss them both.
A maiden speech by Barbara Mackness related her wonderful experience of swimming with dolphins in Malta. Her love of these mammals was obvious as she spoke of their beauty and grace which surely imbued some with a wish to swim with them.
Acupuncture was the subject of Karen Vickery’s speech. She discussed the virtues of the ancient Chinese practise of acupuncture.
Anne French spoke of the tradition of the last meal for the condemned prisoner. We heard of unusual requests and of one who asked for an enormous meal and at the eleventh hour, hadn’t the stomach for it!!
A satirical take on the Wilhelm Grimm’s ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ read by Wyn Glen demonstrated the art of reading aloud by modulating the voice. She explained that reading aloud is a performance of words and their delivery is the key to success. The need to know your audience was emphasised
The Post Office List of Prohibited Items was the subject of topics this month directed by Anne Jones. The speaker was given a slip of paper annotated with an illicit item and then invited to speak. Amusing speeches ensued but, strike a light! Penny Wright spoke about ‘matches’ and was awarded Star of the Month.
Leicestershire Speakers welcome anyone who would like to learn the art of speaking in public. Our meetings are supportive, informative and entertaining, helping to turn nervous wrecks into confident, speakers. We meet at 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month at the Blaby Drop in Centre.
For more information, ring Anne Jones on 0116 277 2295 or visit our website www.leicspeakers.co.uk.
We can also provide entertainment and talks to other societies and groups.