Grow Give Live Update

March already – one of our favourite months here at Grow Give Live; officially the start of Spring – hopefully it will be warming up enough for us to start getting those seeds in!
We are excited to share two big pieces of news – we are now a registered charity (registered charity number 1206308); this allows us to progress discussions with Charnwood Borough Council regarding the land on Glebe Way
These things take time, but we’re happy to have achieved the major milestone of charity status to keep us moving forward.
Secondly – we now have an allotment plot! We’d like to thank Syston Town Council and the Syston Allotment Society for enabling this. We are thrilled to have a space within Syston that can be used for community gardening; over the next few weeks and months we’ll be sharing more about how you can get involved with the plot, so do watch out for more information on our Facebook page and here in the Syston Town News.
With the growing number of projects we have underway around Syston, we’ve invested in some ‘uniform’ so you can spot us out and about – keep your eyes peeled and do say hi if you see us!
A couple of dates for your diary: Sunday 3rd March at 9.30am – meeting at Scotia Press on St. Peter’s Street for work on the community planters. We’re holding our first Garden Café of the year on Wednesday 20th March, 7pm at the Pharmacie Arms – this will include our AGM, where we’ll share a summary of activity last year, and plans for the future.
Follow us on Facebook ( or email us on to stay in touch.