The Stn’s Editors report on Syston Full Council meeting – 27th Feb 2018

There were 15 Councillors (Cllrs), two County Cllrs and one member of the public present.
The Reflection was read by the chairman Cllr P. Henry
Apologies were received from Cllrs M. Carnal, L. Gill, S. Hampson, J. Midgley and P Knight.
There were no Declarations of interest relating to any items on the agenda and no matters arising from the public.
The Town Manager, Catherine Voyce reminded members that there was to be a meeting on 18th April in relation to the Syston Regeneration Project.
There were no police present so their report was tabled and only one comment was made by Cllr K Pacey related to a number of hedges being set on fire in the Avenue’s area of Syston. These had been reported to the police.
County and Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) Cllrs reports
Ccllr J. Poland spoke about the public consultation on plans to bring together services re children’s centre, youth offending, which runs up to 22nd April 2018. This would serve all young people across the county, through 15 centres as they need to reduce the cost by £3.8m. He continued by saying that if government funding was removed the service would not be able to continue.
He also told members that Syston library will be closed for two weeks from 3.00pm on Saturday 31st March for some refurbishment it will re-open on Monday 16th April at 8.00am.
CCllr D. Slater tabled his report and offered an opportunity for members to ask questions, none were asked.
Borough Cllr E. Vardy spoke about an exhibition that will held in the Community centre from 12th March to 5th April for residents to view how the County and City Councils want to shape local plans and make bids for government funding to support growth including expressway from east of the city, see article in March issue for details. He encouraged everyone to visit and make comments to help move the plans on and have your say.
He then spoke about the Social economic review which will take place on the 18th April and said he sees it as an important way forward for the future of the town, how it is going to be shaped. There will be workshops and an opportunity for you to your say. See our ‘what’s on page’ for details.
Cllr T. Barkley talked about the lifeline service which helps elderly and vulnerable people to get help in an emergency at a cost of about £4 per week with provision for those who can’t afford that. He went on to say that CBC had received accreditation for training of Cllrs. He said that the budget at CBC had been approved and capital plan to see £6m and £19m in housing stock.
He told members that the Mayor Elect is Chris Harrison and that Brenda Seaton would be Deputy Major. CBC have made available £80,000 to help businesses who are struggling with council business tax.
Cllr K. Pacey spoke about licensing and that there had been new personnel to the committee who are receiving training. There had been two appeals and one license had been removed for selling alcohol to under aged people in Loughborough. He also said that CBC had approved the right to remove a licence if someone has been convicted for a serious offence.
All Minutes were agreed without amendments.
There was a request for members to consider joining the Pavillion and Christmas event panels, those interested were asked to let the Town manager know.
Deville update Cllr P. Henry said he had contacted the Cllr in Deville and will meet in May when he travels with the Syston Twinning. He said he would feedback at the June meeting.
Town Managers report – Catherine Voyce, Town Manager, welcomed the new cllr Lara Towell who is considering which committees she wants to take part in. Payment of the grant for the refurbishment of Winfield Park had been received. The LED lighting across the community centre except the Brookside room had been completed. All toilets now have sensors to prevent lights being left on.
There was a Cemetery panel meeting booked with the project manager for 12th March. The Chairman Cllr P. Henry, head grounds man Mr D. Smith and herself had attended an East Midlands in Bloom feedback event at Kegworth and had a walk round with judges to give them advice for this years entry. A date for members diary is the SOS fashion show on Friday 4th May, all proceeds will go to the Chairman’s chosen charity ‘Warning Zone’.
There were no Members questions.
Actions from previous meeting – the town manager said that work had already started on plans to commemorate the end of WW1.
As there was a confidential item the public including the press were asked to leave.