Jen Parker – Fuzzy Flamingo Design

A lot of people with their own business will tell you that it is a dream come true and that their business is something they’ve dreamed about since they were young. Well not me!
The career I dreamed of right up until I entered the working world was completely different. I only ever wanted to join the Police, however the diagnosis of several forms of rheumatoid arthritis during my gap year meant I wasn’t even allowed to apply.
A random advert for a book publishing house caught my eye amongst thenmany jobs I was applying for to figure out what path to take. Working my way up from the bottom led me to become the Head of the Production departments across the company, managing the design teams and developing my new-found passion for design.

Alongside this I edited books in my spare time on a freelance basis. On maternity leave with my first child, it made sense for me to take my skills freelance and set up my company Fuzzy Flamingo. Since then I have gone from strength to strength, managing my condition better as I can set my own hours and look after myself better and, as a result, give more to growing my business. I have been nominated for two Mumboss UK awards, as well as two Mums in Business awards, I am a co-author of the forthcoming MIBA book Mumpreneur on Fire 4, cover picture shown left, (which I also edit and typeset), available on Amazon since 17th January 2019, and I can’t wait for what 2019 will bring.
If one path ends you may have to change direction, but it could end up being a better destination.
You can find Jen Parker using the following handle on Facebook and Instagram: @FuzzyFlamingoDesign or you can visit her website: