SPOTLIGHT – The Journal Of Syston Town Council written by Catherine Voyce

The current lockdown restrictions have impacted on Council services in the following ways:
Syston Town Council offices are open from Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm. The office is being manned by one Officer each day, as well as the Facilities Manager on site. This means that some telephone calls will be missed, so please be patient if you are calling the office. Officers not in the office are homeworking and are able to access their emails. Mobile phone numbers for the Town Manager and Deputy Town Manager are as follows:
Town Manager: 0778 000 5642
Deputy Town Manager:  0778 088 1897

Estates team are working as normal.
The public toilets on Melton Road and the disabled use toilet on Central Park, are open as usual with additional cleaning measures in place to help protect against the spread of Covid-19 virus. The toilets are temporarily closed during the time that our cleaner is sanitising the facilities.
Room hire at the Community Centre is not currently available. Football pitch hire has been temporarily suspended as well as park hire.
Council meetings are still operating each Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm by Zoom; agendas are posted on noticeboards, Syston Town Council website and on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Council meetings are public meetings, the log-in details are printed on the agendas.
Monthly Councillor Surgeries take place on the first Saturday of each month, currently by Zoom. Our local County and Borough Councillors are in attendance to assist with queries relating to borough and county issues. I am also attending these events in my role of Town Manager to allow you the opportunity to raise any Syston Town Council specific concerns.
See our website, Facebook and Twitter as well as the notice board at the Community Centre for the zoom log-in details, or contact the office Monday to Friday for assistance if you are unsure how to use Zoom.

Council Services – Who Does What?
This article provides a useful opportunity to serve as a reminder of Council services and responsibilities by Town, Borough and County. This article will concentrate on Syston Town Council and Charnwood Borough Council services. The next Spotlight article will focus in more detail on Leicestershire County Council services.
All black waste bins are owned by Charnwood Borough Council, they are for general litter and bagged dog waste. They are emptied by Charnwood Borough Council contractors, Serco. Any issues relating to these bins should be directed to or telephone 01509 634 563 or the main switch board number 01509 263 151.
Dog Waste Bins
All dog waste bins are emptied by Charnwood Borough Council contractors, Serco. See above for contact details.
Syston Town Council empty general waste bins in our five parks, and a small number of bins in the town, but the majority of bins are the responsibility of Charnwood Borough Council.
Refuse and Recycling
This is the responsibility of Charnwood Borough Council, for additional information about recycling and refuse see web pages: Telephone: 01509 634 563.
Street Cleansing
Charnwood Borough Council have a legal duty to act as the Litter Authority for the whole of the Charnwood area. This responsibility includes street cleaning, litter collection, the removal of rubbish, fly-posting, graffiti and fly-tipping on public land maintained by Charnwood Borough Council. Litter is classified into different grades of severity – this is identified on the Charnwood Borough Council
To report litter telephone: 01509 634 563 email:
Planning – applying for planning permission, looking at plans or making comments on a planning application  Telephone: 01509 634 570.
Council Tax
Information about how to pay council tax and where to find out more information about discounts, bandings and more can be found on the Charnwood Borough Council website at:  Telephone 03456 091258 (calls charged at local rates) and the email address is
Charnwood Borough Council are responsible for a range of issues to do with housing in both council-owned and privately-rented properties.  They can assist and advise on issues including homelessness, accommodation standards and anti-social behaviour. As well as guidance for landlords and tenants. See: Telephone 01509 634 567 Environmental Health
Charnwood Borough Council are responsible as follows:
Contact Environmental Protection about bonfires, industrial pollution, smoke (dark/black), grit/dust, use of unauthorised fuel, vehicle, emissions, agricultural odours, steam/water emissions, fumes or air quality management areas. Also issues relating to noise nuisance: industrial, agricultural, neighbours, barking dogs, house alarms etc.  or telephone 01509 634 636
More service telephone numbers
Below is a list of direct numbers for each of the other teams within Environmental Health. You should also view the relevant pages for on-line contact forms and to see if there are any other useful numbers or organisations that maybe able to help with your enquiry.
 Food Hygiene & Safety – 01509 634 656
Health & Safety – 01609 634 628
Pest Control, Dog Control & Animal Welfare – 01509 634 628
Private Housing – 01509 634 651
Borough Councillors:
Cllr Tom Barkley, Cllr Ken Pacey, Cllr Sue Gerrard, Cllr Simon Bradshaw
Contact details:
• Cllr. Tom Barkley:
• Cllr Ken Pacey:
• Cllr Sue Gerrard:
• Cllr Simon Bradshaw:
Leicestershire County Council Services (summary – more detail to be provided in the next Spotlight article)
Main Switchboard Telephone: 0116 232 3232
Education – call the main switchboard
Social Services 0116 3050004
Libraries – call the main switchboard
Roads, Pavements and Traffic 0116 305 0001
Trading Standards – call the main switchboard
Museums – call the main switchboard
Property – call the main switchboard

County Councillors:
Cllr J Poland (Syston Fosse)  contact:
Cllr T Barkley (Syston Ridgeway) contact:

    Syston Town Council are responsible for:
    Five Parks – Ardale Street Park, Central Park, deville Park, memorial Sports field and Pavillion and Winfield Park.
    One Allotment site on Upper Church Street.
    Two Cemeteries – Barkby Road Cemetery & Chapel and Syston & District Cemetery.
    Community Centre and room hire
    Public Disabled Toilet Melton Rd Car Park & Central Park
    Public Toilet – Melton Road Car Park
    Maintenance of St Peter & St Paul (closed) Churchyard
    Circa 450 trees
    Eight bus shelters (recently acquired)
    East of 193 Barkby Road, Opposite 189 Barkby Road, Opposite and north of High Street junction with Fosse Way, Outside 1015 Melton Road, Opposite 1303 Melton Road, Opposite Tentercroft Avenue junction with Melton Road, Junction with St Peters Court, Melton Road, Opposite 1078 Melton Road.

Bus Shelters
Syston Town Council have recently acquired the eight bus shelters listed above. We are arranging for condition reports on each shelter and will be taking any necessary corrective action. Each bus shelter will soon have a notice displaying Syston Town Council identification and contact details.
Syston Topic
Keep a look out for our own Council Newsletter, Syston Topic. For now, the newsletter is restricted to e-copies, and can be found on the Syston Town Council website, with links via Facebook and Twitter. Topic provides you with the most up to date information from Syston Town Council; what, when, how and why we are doing it!
Contacting your Council:
Telephone: 0116 260 7150

Merton Ward
Cllr Lyn Gillard
Cllr John Lucas (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Ken Pacey
Cllr Satish Visavadia
Cllr Phil Walden
St Peters East Ward
Cllr Sharon Brown
Cllr Susan Gerrard
Cllr Stephen Hampson
Cllr Mike Mcloughlin
St Peters West Ward
Cllr Tom Barkley (Chairman)
Cllr Malwyn Carnall
Cllr Phillip Knight
Cllr Scott Walker
New Barkby Ward
Cllr David Pepper
Cllr Harold Screaton
Cllr Lara Towell

All Councillors can be contacted via Syston Town Council Syston Town Council, Community Centre, School Street, Syston Leics LE7 1HN
Town Manager: Catherine Voyce
Deputy Town Manager: Ursula Southan
Senior Administrator: Kay Liquorish
Assistant to the Town Manager: Sophie Brown
Facilities Manager: Jason Green

Council Meeting Dates
February 2021
Tuesday, 02 Development and General Purposes
Tuesday, 09 Amenities
Tuesday, 16 Resources
Tuesday, 23 Full Council
March 2021
Tuesday, 02 Development and General Purposes
Tuesday, 09 Amenities
Tuesday, 16 Resources
Tuesday, 23 Full Council
April 2021
Tuesday, 06 Development and General Purposes
Tuesday, 13 Amenities
Tuesday, 20 Resources
Tuesday, 27 Full Council
All meetings take place via Zoom at 7.30 pm, unless stated otherwise. These are public meetings, log in details are on the agendas.