Stn Editor’s Report on the Full Syston Town Council meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday 27th April 2021
There were 13 Councillors (Cllrs), one Borough Cllr and three officers present.
The Council paid tribute to HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, by holding a minute silence before the meeting began.
Apologies were received from Cllrs S. Walker, S. Tonge, M. Carnall, H. Screaton and County Cllr James Poland.
The Police report was circulated to members before the meeting along with report from the Syston PCSO reporting crimes in the last 30 days. There had been several incidents involving ASB on Syston parks recently with youths getting drunk, smashing bottles and generally causing a nuisance. A separate incident had resulted in a fire being lit on Brook Street.
The Town Manager was asked to contact Inspector Mark Botte and request that they concentrate additional police presence in Syston over the Bank Holiday weekend. She was also to invite the Police to attend the Annual Meeting of the Town Council in May.
The council approved the end of year bank reconciliation and also allocated the surplus budget to capital projects for the next financial year 2021/22.
The Financial regulations had been revised with two amendments one relating to the facilities manager being given spending powers and the other relating to procedures to minimise the risk of mandate fraud.
Council Meeting Arrangements Post 7th May 2021
The regulations that allowed local authorities to hold meetings remotely terminates on 7th May 2021, without any further action from the Government. This means all local authorities including local councils must return to face-to-face meetings from that date, so the Amenities Committee meeting scheduled for 11th May will be the first.
Home Working Policy
A Home Working Policy adapted by the Council’s HR Advisors was presented for adoption. Nationally, it had been proven over the pandemic people were 22% more efficient working from home and that was the experience found by Syston Town Council Officers. The Town Manger would organise this with Officers.
By-law to make all parks alcohol free zones
Following a lengthy discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of this suggestion, in particular the effect this may have on law abiding members of the public enjoying a family picnic etc. It was agreed to continue to allow the consumption of alcohol on Syston Town Council parks. A letter would be sent to the police inspector to request additional Police presence at Syston parks before the Bank Holiday weekend.
Closure of Santander bank – Syston
It was agreed that a letter be sent to Santander to lodge the Council’s discontent on behalf of those residents who contacted the Borough Cllrs and did not have access to computers and/or were not very mobile.
Borough Councillors’ Reports
Cllr T. Barkley reported on Great British Spring Clean in Syston takes place on 6th June, 11.00am until 12noon, all volunteers are welcome and should contact Sophie Brown. He then reported on the Charnwood Borough Council assistance to communities throughout the Borough during the pandemic outlining how much the Borough had helped various organisations to support the community.
Cllr S. Bradshaw reported on the Borough having its Councillor Development Charter re-accredited after first being accredited ten years ago. He thanked the Syston and Thurmaston Wombles for their amazing work in keeping the Town clean and safe and that he is going to be joining a litter pick soon.
The chairman received a question from Cllr S. Hampson about the extremely high rateable values charged for businesses on our High Street. He was given the following answer: Business rates are not set by Syston Town Council. The Central Government sets the rates and the Valuation office allocates the rateable value on which business rates are set which are often equal to the value of city or larger towns. The Central Government has promised a review.
Fiona Henry Editor
For the official minutes of this and other Town Council Meetings please visit their website: You can attend any council meeting held on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm. Details are posted across all Town Council notice boards.