STN Editors Report on the Full Syston Town Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd June 2020
There were 11 Councillors (Cllrs) present, one County Cllr and two members of staff. One cllr, one member of staff and a member of public joined by zoom.
The chairman read the reflection.
There were apologies from Cllrs S Visavadia, M Carnall, H Screaton, S Brown, County Cllr J Poland.
There were no declarations of interest or announcements and communications. The police report was tabled as no police were present.
• The Charnwood Local Plan was considered at CBC last night and it was agreed to put out a Draft Local Plan for consultation. The Plan was subject to an Independent Planning Inspector.
• By 2037 there would be 2,104 extra houses built in Syston.
• This was planned for the top of Barkby Road on the left and right hand side of the road and land off Barkby Lane.
• If there was no plan in place then this would allow developers to build on any land they felt was suitable. There were 13 villages outlined in the Plan.
• The Plan stated that if houses were built on green field sites then the building of 30% of affordable housing was stipulated as a requirement; if houses were built on brown field sites then 10% would have to be allocated as affordable housing.
• One new school was planned for Syston.
• There would now be a six – week consultation between 12 July and 23 August 2021.
• Councillors were asked to consider the need for additional:
Medical centre facilties, road improvements, investment for additional NHS doctors and nurses, community facilities and more money for policing.
• The Chairman addressed the questions and concerns raised in a report from the Town Manager.
• This Plan was to be considered by Development & Amenities committees during July.
Chairman’s charity for 2021/2022 was agreed to be Loros.
Local business, George Walker (Wood Yard and Tree Care)had been in discussions with the TM to create a woodland in Syston under the Urban Tree Challenge Fund. George Walker had offered the maximum amount of funding of £30K to be match funded by the Government scheme, making a total fund of £60K.
This would allow for the purchase, planting and maintenance for three years of up to 70 established young trees of approximately six feet in height.
Two areas had been identified:
• Deville Park for an educational woodland of mixed tree varieties which would be of value to the local schools, youth groups and other horticulturist interest groups.
• Syston & District Cemetery- a woodland area for scattering of ashes.
It was agreed that the Town Manager should work with Rob Toon of Walkers on the Government application for funding of £30K, matched by George Walker to equal £60K for the planting and three year upkeep of up to 70 trees for an educational woodland at Deville Park and an ash scattering area of woodland at Syston & District Cemetery.
It was agreed that a request to hold a Church service in Park Square on either 15th or 22nd August, Should go ahead in the park subject to Covid restrictions at the time of the event. Date to be confirmed.
County and Borough Cllrs reports
County Cllr J. Poland reported on the new scheme launched to boost skills, training and employment. To find out more or to register your interest contact the Work+ team on 0800 988 0308 or visit:
He also reported about the Environmental Grants available for community groups and the have you say on bus services.
Cllr T. Barkley reported on the Leicestershire CC Biodiversity, Habitat and Local Environmental delivery plan which aims to make the CC carbon neutral by 2030 and to achieve Carbon Neutrality for the whole of the county and businesses within it by 2050. The Key performance indicators and monitoring are outlined in the strategy documents in the link below.
He then reported on Shire Grants which are available to Voluntary, Community and Social enterprise sector organisations along with Town and Parish Councils will be able to access a range of grants for community-based projects and activities that specifically focus on improving the lives, health and wellbeing of vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities in Leicestershire. Approximately £900K is available. Full details of the grants available and criteria are available on the link below. Councillors and Officers can signpost suitable groups to the grants.
Charnwood Borough Council Local Plan 2021-2037
Charnwood Borough Council’s vision for future growth, environment and healthy communities is set to go before Council later this month.
The document provides a detailed strategy for the location and quantity of development required to support the growth of the borough up to 2037.
It also provides a robust framework for delivery of some of the Council’s top.
strategic priorities in creating a thriving economy with healthy communities and environmental safeguards.
The plan also sets out how the borough will meet increased Government targets for new homes, as well as providing employment land and critical infrastructure such as schools and health facilities.
The Charnwood Local Plan 2021-37:
• Identifies 154 hectares of employment land to support the creation of 8,900 jobs in the borough and lead its pandemic recovery.
• Meets the borough’s housing need – the target figure set by Government – by allocating land for the development of 1,111 new sustainable and well- designed homes each year up to 2037.
• Focuses development towards intensifying and extending existing urban and suburban areas and larger villages, thereby creating accessible community hubs while protecting nearly 279 square kilometres of open countryside.
• Plans for the critical mass of development needed to secure infrastructure – including five new schools at Loughborough, Shepshed, Barrow, Anstey and Syston – as well as health services, roads, and public transport networks.
• Will bring in an estimated £200 million in Section 106 money to pay for other improvements to facilities and amenities.
The Local Plan will be considered by Council on Monday, June 21. If approved at that stage, there will then be a six-week public consultation in July and August.
Details of the public consultation will be published once the Local Plan has been agreed by Council. Representations will be collected by the council but will be heard by the Planning Inspectorate. The Council will support residents and other interested parties during the public consultation with the information required to provide the Planning Inspectorate with representations which meet the Government’s evidential standard. The link to the cabinet report to the plan is below “.
Councillor Simon Bradshaw reported on the Syston Spring Clean saying that he had enjoyed taking part in the Annual Spring Clean with Cllr S Gerard and some friends filling four bags of rubbish from Upper Church Street. He said it was great to see so many local people of all age groups participating in the event and taking pride in Syston.
He also reported on the Charnwood Local Plan 2021 – 37 and Councillor Surgeries.
Cllr Sue Gerrard reported on the Spring Clean in Syston, she also reported that she was keeping a watchful eye on the bungalow in Wanlip road, that is being altered to ensure that planning conditions are adhered to. Hopefully, there will be more to report next month. She reported that there had been considerable debate at CBC on the 21st June regarding the 1,000 page document of the Local Plan and I encourage everyone to look at it and to get involved.
All minutes were agreed.
The town manager updated members on her report in that the refurbishment of the bus shelters began week commencing 21st June. Also that the STC emails would have a new suffix of ‘’ replacing ‘’ but that an overlap period was in place to ensure important emails weren’t missed.
Council thanked the Freinds of Barkby Road Cemetery for the tasteful FATHER’s day display in the Chapel.