Horoscopes for May 2024 By Jeanne Douglas
Aries (21 March to 19 April):
With the fiery planet Mars whizzing through your sign this month, you’ll certainly be feeling much more energised and positive than usual. Others will have to make way and there will be no stopping you when it comes to getting just what you want. A long-standing problem gets sorted when everyone finally opens up and talks.
Taurus (20 April to 20 May):
As Venus – the planet of love – moves through your sign this month, you can expect more than your fair share of happiness and romance. Mercury also makes an appearance and this helps with any study projects and – at times – you’ll be working out whether to put your head first or your heart? Yes, a few dilemmas face you.
Gemini (21 May to 21 June):
Jupiter finally enters your sign this month and this is excellent news for your finances and business considerations. Venus eventually catches up and this will create a boost for your love life and happiness overall. So everything seems to be going well and you’ll be just so busy with one thing or another. Take care and have some time out.
Cancer (22 June to 22 July):
Try and surrender one or two concerns when the buzz goes out of your mentalities. It’s as if you just can’t think any more. Some problem at work resurfaces and you’ll need all your energies for that and happily, you’re on course to sort things out once and for all! Your warmth and confidence shine through and others catch the vibes.
Leo (23 July to 22 August):
A romantic partner is holding all the cards! Just support them where you can and know that things will eventually work out to your satisfaction. You have some issues with a close friend too, to sort out, and tempers could flair every now and then so take care to reign in your feelings and reactions. Someone wants to promote you!
Virgo (23 August to 22 September):
A loved one certainly has some things on their mind and may need some time and space with which to deal with them. Your intuition holds good so trust your instincts as regards what to do and how to approach things. However hard you try, you can’t help getting worked up about things! Try sport to get rid of excess energy.
Libra (23 September to 22 October):
You keep a refreshing positive edge when it comes to just about everything that you do! This really helps you to get ahead. Some emotional problem reappears and you apply every ounce of reasoning and sensibility that you can muster in order to work through things. Once again, you eventually seem to win. Hurrah!
Scorpio (23 October to 21 November):
You just want to enjoy life this month and watch spring unfold gracefully and take part in happy events and meet-ups! It’s as if nothing can get you down as you’re determined to be happy, come what may. Your upbeat nature is infectious and your popularity soars as others seek you out and invites flood in galore.
Sagittarius (22 November to 21 December):
You’ll be spending time at home, in deep thought and even finding comfort in being alone, just so you can work on a few matters close to your heart. Time moves slowly and you’ll be a little frustrated at times that you’re not making quicker progress. But patience is the key and so do try and distract yourself.
Capricorn (22 December to 19 January):
You have a great deal of work on your plate and it seems that there’s no-one around to give you a hand. So you go it alone and make surprisingly good progress! Feelings rise high in the domestic environment when others want to get things off their chest, just to feel better whilst you prefer to leave thing be.
Aquarius (20 January to 18 February):
Cash issues give you something to worry about and yet you’re prepared to work hard and so gather more cash into your pockets. And much good energy come to your aid right now, as you battle with one thing and then another. You have such wonderful determination to do well and so you will. Work goes well at home.
Pisces (19 February to 20 March): You take time out to study an emotional issue which stubbornly refuses to just go away. So you work through this to discover what it is that you really want. And as a result, you get something off your mind, some intense emotion such as an annoyance or frustration. Eventually you emerge quite refreshed and invigorated.