New Headteachers Join Local Secondary Schools
Wreake Valley Academy and The Roundhill Academy now each have a new Headteacher in post. At Wreake Ben Rackley, former Deputy Head at Gartree High School joined the school for the start of the new academic year. At The Roundhill Academy Natalie Teece, was appointed as Headteacher last December.
Wreake Valley Academy
Ben Rackley commented ‘As the new Headteacher at Wreake Valley I believe there is an opportunity to have a significant impact on the outcomes of the students. I can see that there are many positives on which to build, as well as opportunities to make significant steps forward. Throughout my career I have committed myself to the school and community I serve. I believe it is vitally important to lead with clarity of vision for the whole school community’.
Ben said ‘At Wreake Valley Academy there is a belief in the power of education to create opportunities for students that will travel with them beyond their time at school.
He added ‘Students can and will contribute to the future, the reality is that they have significant challenges that they must overcome to enable them to become the future entrepreneurs, doctors, artists, engineers, and successful members of society. Our job at Wreake Valley will be to ensure they are ready to contribute in creating a community; locally and beyond’.
The Roundhill Academy
Natalie Teece, who has previously held a range of leadership positions explained that ‘The Roundhill Academy had experienced a degree of turbulence prior to me joining the school and I was keen to reinstate the excellent reputation the school deserved’.
Natalie commented ‘as soon as I stepped inside the building it was clear that staff were very proud of the school. I am fortunate to have a great team around me who share my ambition. Since joining we have worked at pace to re-build systems, ensuring that students feel nurtured and safe in school. The building feels calm and purposeful now. We also want students to have the opportunity to experience the very best quality of education and outcomes when they leave us in Year 11. We have a strong teaching team of subject experts, and we are going from strength to strength. She added ‘Roundhill is in a strong position now and I am very excited to be a part of its future journey’.
The Headteachers both agreed that there were exciting times ahead for the two schools, which would continue to work closely together.