St Peter and St Paul’s Church News

Joint Service
As 30th April was a fifth Sunday, traditionally, Syston and Barkby hold a joint service. This time it was Syston’s turn to play host. After the combined congregation enjoyed refreshments and fellowship in the hall.
Coronation Celebrations
The normal Sunday morning 10am Communion Service on May 7th was one of great musical joy. Our organist, Matthew Jones, played Crown Imperial for the entry of the priest, Rev John Leonard, followed by the full Coronation fanfare introduction to the singing of the National Anthem, which was sung with great fervour. After the Gospel reading Matthew played ‘I was glad’ (the piece used as the entry to the ceremonial Abbey on Saturday).
For the Sermon Rev. John used an Acrostic as a basis for his teaching. He used each letter of the name Charles, as in the following: C for committed, H for honest, A for Anointed, R for Royal, L for Likeable, E for Educated and finally S for Sincere.
Every hymn used during the worship had a special accompaniment for the last verse. And to conclude the service Matthew played ‘Pomp and Circumstance March no 4’ by Elgar which was the music used as the King left the Abbey. It was a wonderful and uplifting worship service.
The Big Lunch
A Bring and Share meal was organised by Lesley Middleton and several helpers. The tables were laden with donated contributions. A separate table was used for the desserts as there were so many! It was a splendid sight to see. Those attending were filled with this amazing variety of food and also enjoyed fellowship for quite some time.
Exhibition- The Life and Times of King Charles
After the lunch was finished the church was open for the afternoon, as well as Monday, with an exhibition of pictures and writings about King Charles. These depicted his life from childhood through to the present day. Visitors to the church were able to enjoy light refreshments and admire the floral ‘Red, White and Blue’ decorations created by the church’s flower team which is led by Felicity Austin and Janet Burgin.
We were honoured to be able to use the Syston ‘Knitting Banksy’s’ Coronation Crown as part of the exhibition.
Cream Teas
First one is on 8th July in church from 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Meet with friends for refreshments and chat!
Watch out for more dates!
Regular Worship
We are here every Wednesday morning at 9.30am for a quiet service of Communion and/or reflection and every Sunday at 10am for a Communion Service with hymns and sermon.
We have a website, just type in ‘A church near you‘ in the search bar for more information.