St Peter and St Paul’s Church News
Christmas Market and Cafe
We began the seasonal activities by holding a Christmas Market and Café. This was an extension to our event last year.
Adorned with trees decorated by each child from St Peter and St Paul’s Academy, the market in the church began with a range of Christmas songs and carols sung by the school choir. There was an array of stalls, In the church, including a wide selection of hand-crafted Christmas decorations, pots with Hyacinth bulbs to bring into flower, and of course a large cake stall run by Anne and Joanne Kemp, a Prize Every Time stall run by Janet Burgin and Ann Ward, shown in the picture below and a Tombola Stall with a selection of prizes, mainly bottles run by Terry Farmer. To entertain children there were various games and Gingerbread biscuits to decorate.
Over in the hall were the refreshments, Bacon Baps till noon, followed by homemade soups and bread and of course tea and coffee, mince pies and cakes to buy.
We were certainly up against it with the weather which was rather unfriendly but once it eased a bit many people made the effort to come.
It was an enjoyable occasion and resulted with over £1000 being raised.
During Advent the two Posadas, Joseph and Mary and the donkey, travelled through Syston to arrive back in church in time for the Christingle Service. Many thanks go to the St Peter and St Paul’s Academy, several shops, members of the congregation and their friends for hosting them.
Light a Candle
The church was open on the afternoon of December 16th for anyone wishing to light a candle in memory of a loved one. There was also an opportunity to leave a message on the Memory Tree, kindly donated by Gambles & Son, Funeral Directors in Syston. In the quiet and peaceful atmosphere there was space for memories to be shared and cherished, with the prayer that all would find peace during the Christmas period and beyond.
This all age, interactive service was once again held in a packed church. The familiar Christmas story was told and the significance of the decorated orange was explained.
We were very grateful for the donation of 100 oranges from Tesco.
A collection for The Children’s Society was held which raised £304.34
Carol Service
The extra chairs form the Christingle Service were left out which was just as well as once again the church was packed!
The service took a traditional form with the well-known readings and carols and included two organ pieces, played by Matthew Jones our organist.
New Service
In the Church Hall
Families @ 4pm
Sunday 11th February- Pancake Party
Sunday 10th March – Mother’s Day
A new monthly gathering for families of all ages.
Join us in the church hall for fellowship, food, faith and fun.