New Barkby W.I.

President of New Barkby WI, Shirley Franklin, welcomed members and one visitor to the institute’s July meeting.
‘Jerusalem’ was sung followed by business matters.
The speaker, Rosemary Pike from Nottinghamshire gave her talk on ‘The Magic of Stained Glass’.
From Egyptian and Greek times, glass was discovered in volcanoes and photographs of museum items were passed around for members to see, and to hold small pieces of glass and nuggets, which could then be melted to be re-formed. Clear glass was able to be coloured, using oxides and elements (e.g. cobalt, copper). Nowadays, Rosemary uses glass that has already been coloured. In Venice, there were many glass makers around the local area so eventually they all relocated into one centralised area.
A lot of glass was lost after the dissolution of monasteries in Henry VIII’s reign but fortunately religious references and other scenic attributes are displayed in huge windows in Cathedrals, churches and stately houses.
Tiffany lampshades became popular by the US artist and glass maker of that name but he also produced stained glass windows, using iridescent Favrile (craftsman) glass. Rosemary undertakes commissions to create pictures in stained glass soldered into a lead frame depicting a variety of flowers, birds and animals and scenic interest, to adorn rooms and areas to a customer’s own requirements. Pictures of these were displayed around the room.
Small items Rosemary has created were on display for members to view or buy after her talk. All very informative and entertaining.
The vote of thanks was given by Dawn Haynes, who also won the competition, with a piece of fused glass she had transformed into a small dish.
The raffle was won by Julie Malam and the refreshments were served by Sue Gamble.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd August at Syston Community Centre at 7.30pm when the speaker will be John Parnell on the subject of ‘hula hooping’.
Visitors are always welcome to attend.